Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

serah terima beasiswa pendidikan Bank Mandiri kepada titian foundation

Bantuan beasiswa yang menggunakan dana program Bina Lingkungan tahun 2012 diserahkan oleh Direktur Finance dan Strategy Bank Mandiri Pahala N Mansury kepada pendiri dan Direktur Titian Foundation Lilly Kasoem di Yogyakarta, Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012. Total beasiswa dari Bank Mandiri yang akan disalurkan oleh Titian Foundation sebesar Rp 546.480.000.
*) Keterangan foto : Direktur Finance dan Strategy Bank Mandiri Pahala N Mansury serahkan secara simbolis beasiswa kepada Lily Kasoem selaku pendiri Titian Foundation disaksikan oleh Mr. Bret Ginesky dari Investor Relation Group Bank Mandiri dan Mr. Nick Cashmore selaku salah satu pengurus Titian Foundation.
Pemberian dilakukan secara simbolis di Yogyakarta, tapi ditujukan untuk siswa SMA di Klaten – Jawa Tengah. Beasiswa ini diperuntukan bagi mereka yang akan melanjutkan ke perguruan tinggi untuk selama 4 tahun penuh. Sejauh ini Titian Foundation telah dan akan menyalurkan beasiswa kepada 465 siswa SMA/ SMK untuk 3 tahun penuh sampai dengan tahun 2016, dimana program ini telah berjalan dengan sukses.
Dalam kesempatan itu Pahala N Mansury menyampaikan, Bank Mandiri selaku entitas publik memiliki tanggungjawab moral dalam membantu memperbaiki tingkat pendidikan generasi-generasi penerus yang akan melanjutkan estafet kepemimpinan di Indonesia.
Data di Kementerian Pendidikan menyebutkan bahwa sampai Juli 2011 jumlah siswa yang berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu mencapai 50 juta siswa, di mana 27,7 juta siswa tingkat SD, 10 juta tingkat SMP, dan 7 juta dari tingkat SMA. “Bahkan diperkirakan hanya 11 % yang dapat melanjutkan ke perguruan tinggi,” paparnya.
“Pendidikan merupakan unsur penting yang sangat menentukan masa depan sebuah bangsa. Semakin banyak manusia berkualitas yang dimiliki suatu bangsa, maka semakin tinggi peradaban dan kesejahteraan bangsa tersebut. Karena itu kami merasa perlu menyalurkan beasiswa ini agar Indonesia dapat lebih sejahtera di masa yang akan datang”
Dalam kesempatan yang sama Lily Kasoem mengungkapkan bahwa program beasiswa dari Bank Mandiri ini merupakan kelanjutan dari program beasiswa yang sudah ada. Melalui beasiswa Bank Mandiri ini para siswa memiliki kesempatan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan lebih tinggi seperti ke perguruan tinggi.
“Semua biaya yang diperlukan selama 4 tahun masa study di perguruan tinggi, buku, akomodasi dan biaya hidup akan diberikan kepada siswa yang berhasil lulus ujian masuk perguruan tinggi negeri. Dengan pendidikan yang memadai mereka akan mampu meningkatkan taraf hidup ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi dan memberikan manfaat kepada diri, keluarga dan masyarakat sekitar,” ujar Lily.

Student Enhancement Newsletter December 2011

January 13th, 2012

The 2nd Dies Natalis SMKN 1 Rota Bayat
 On December 17th 2011 SMKN 1 ROTA Bayat celebrated its 2nd Anniversary. The students held various competitions between themselves from design to product competitions. Amongst the competitions were batik design and product competition, ceramic making competition, comic competition, and movie competition. The result was then announced at the anniversary celebration right on the 18th of December after parents meeting.
During the celebration and meeting many parents agreed that the school had progressed a lot since the time when it was started. From the report that the headmaster mentioned earlier that day, the achievements that the school reached was unexpectedly satisfying concerning that the school was still very new.
 Furthermore, planning the future after graduation, students of SMK also visited University and Art Institute that they hoped they could go to pursue further study. Universitas Negeri Surakarta and Institute Seni Rupa Indonesia Solo were their destinations this time. The two institutions were the ones that most students of SMK ROTA hope to study after graduation. They spoke to the faculties and current students on their visit to gther information. This activity is aimed at encouraging students to understand what it takes to study there so that they can prepare better when the time comes.

Community Development Newsletter December 2011

January 13th, 2012

My Dreams
Children as part of the community have proven the fact that they own pure viewpoint concerning the development of their village. Titian Foundation along with the villagers conducted a participatory process of community development to explore the dreams of community, including children. This is one of few processes that involved all social components in the village of Beluk where Titian Foundation is preparing to establish a community development program. This process took place in the fourth week of December 2011.

Here are some of children dreams about their village:
1. My village become a clean, comfortable, and safe village and free from all forms of social illness.
2. My village has a playground and village libraries and become centers of creative activity of Beluk children.
3. My village becomes the village with the high spirit and harmony of togetherness’.
4. My village has the skills training centers and organizations that can play a significant role in increasing our people’s incomes.

CLC Newsletter December 2011

January 13th, 2012

Learning during holidays, why not?
During the last holiday, CLC SMK ROTA Bayat promoted fun learning on holidays to ensure that the visitors kept coming to the library. In cooperation with Student Enhancements and Community Development programs, the team promoted CLC to wider community outside the school.
For internal development, Bayat CLC launched reading journal starting with all volunteers. They were obliged to read at least three books from the library and wrote reports about them in their BIG BOOK. The idea was to promote reading and writing to students starting from the volunteers. The big book is their portfolio in which they stored tracks of all the books they have read. The books are to be submitted to their coordinator. The plan was to choose one of the writings to be discussed in their book meeting.

For wider community, the volunteers presented movie festival taking Indonesian women as the issue for this year. In cooperation with Kaynala Foundation, the volunteers featured Indonesian women documentary movies by screening conspiracy of silence, working girls and few other movies that featured Indonesian social issues.
Each movie screening was followed by discussion led by Titianers in order to better understand the message behind the movie. The viewers were students of SMK, scholarship students and also youth/villagers around the school. One of the viewers, Ika from SMK ROTA admitted that the movie was such an eye opener for her; she became more grateful to what she is now that despite of her financial background, she can still enjoy education and does not have to go to work. She is one of a scholarship student. Most visitors agreed that they learned something meaningful this holiday that they do not really understand when it was mentioned in the class.

Scholarship Newsletter December 2011

January 13th, 2012

Unforgettable Futsal Competition
Thanks to Shanty Octaviani, a student from the second generation of scholarship. To avoid the long boring holiday she came with a creative idea to hold a sport competition. The idea is to promote fair play and teamwork.
They decided to do football competition because it is a big sport even in Bayat. Everybody loves it. However, football also needs many people to play in each team thus they chose futsal instead, and to make it even more fun each team should wear sarong. Hera Ramadhani, the elected PIC for this event named in Sarong Futsal Competition.
It was held for four days from 26 to 29 December 2011. The competition was a compulsory for Batch 4 students but other batches were welcomed to join. It was a close fight but also entertaining to watch. “It isn’t about winning or losing but our togetherness in these 4 days was my precious moment” said Edy Riyanto one of Batch 4th student.
Despite our great sadness at her departure, we feel very fortunate that we have managed to publish two editions of her batik book: Teknik and Ragam Hias Batik Yogya dan Solo (Indonesian) and Techniques, Motifs & Patterns Batik Yogya & Solo. These two books are a superb legacy for younger generations and will ensure the preservation and development of batik as a fundamental part of Indonesian culture.


In 11th December 2011 we held mentorship for 3rd Batch students who have been sitting in 11th grade and will soon sit in last grade in high school, we want to motivate them to have thought that they can success even amid limitations. Economic and facilities barriers will not dampen their enthusiasm to continue their study. Determination can defeat all the limitations; courage to face any challenge would be weighing the motivation to achieve dreams.
In 18th December 2011, 4th batch had their mentorship. As teenagers they are still in the most volatile period and for them mentors want to give them a learning about morals. We hope they can face physical and responsibility changes with emotional maturity and stable mind. With good morals they will cautious and not let their self fall into negative actions and interactions.
Tutorial for University Entry Preparation

Nowadays University entry rivalry is more difficult. That way the preliminaries cannot be half hearted. For that reason Titian Foundation help their students to get good preparation by provide a tutorial. Tutorial program has started last year in 1st Batch and for this year Titian Foundation cooperated with Mastergama to provide the teachers. Tutorial held every Sunday start from 09 am until 12pm in Mastergama class rooms.
“The material that I got in tutorial for university entry preparation very different from what I learned in my school. I realize that my readiness for the test is very less. I will be more eager to catch my pace”, said Selvia Sandra Dewi one of Tutorial students at the end of Math class session.

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